Tusami's Tags

50 min read

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Yes, since I've been thinking, it would be convent to do something about tags... I thought I'd put a list of people who tag me and then my answers to their tags in one journal. I know that not everybody likes to read a million journals about peoples tags so I'm gonna put them all in one place so if you want to read any of my tags, all you have to do is go here! ^^ Have fun learning about me, oooh yeyz!

Tag Stats

Teh Tusami has been tagged:
Too many times to count! by:

:iconanimeg::iconamrini::iconkamakazi-chan::iconforeverdragon::iconsarlamthros::icondratha::iconevillizard91::iconeirra::iconkaito50: ...and some other people

September 17, 2006

K not really a tag, but I answered :iconeirra:'s journal so I thought I'd put a copy here.

Level 1
() smoked a cigarette (yuck)
() smoked a cigar (yuck)
() done drugs (and yuck)
() kissed a member of the same sex (Nope)
() drank alcohol (Not me! I will never either)

SO FAR: 0 <.=.<

Level 2
() been in love (well... idk. Not really true love)
() been dumped (No. I do the dumping! Muhahah! ok no not really)
(X) shoplifted (Pokemon cards from Sears! Lolz)
() been fired (Don't have a job yet !=!)
()been in a fist fight (I always wanted to though... and win of course)


Level 3
() snuck out of a parent's house (No but my sister has)
() had feelings for someone who didn't have them back (What are these "feelings" that you speak of?)
() been arrested (I is are a good little draggie)
() made out with a stranger (wtf?)
() gone out on a blind date (Ahh help! I can't see!!! I'm BLIND!?)


Level 4
(X) lied to a friend (Sometimes you gotta...)
() had a crush on a teacher (okkkkk...)
(X) skipped school (Well, does skipping a class count?)
() slept with a co-worker (Again, no job. A certainly no sleeping)
(X) seen someone/something die (Yes, a lizard T.=.T)

SO FAR : 4

Level 5
() had/have a crush on one of ur MYSPACE friends (I don't really use myspace)
()been to Canada (nooooos...)
(X) been to Mexico (Cancun with Sorin! Weee)
(X) been on a plane (OMG I LUFF PLANEZ!!! *flies alongside* Weeee! *grabs onto wing* See see? I'm on a plane! xD)
() thrown up from drinking (me no drinky...)


Level 6
() eaten Sushi (Not yet... but I like fish so *shrugs*)
(X) been skiing (Yes, but snowboarding is BETTER!!!)
() met someone BECAUSE of myspace (again no my space usage really goes on)
() been mosh pitting (weee! not)


Level 7
() been in an abusive relationship (Nos. But I know people that have)
(X) taken pain killers (Ya, when I'm in pain... <.=.<)
() love someone right now (Not exactly "love")
(X) laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by (*points* Hey that one looks like me!)
(X) made a snow angel (Snow draggies! *squee!*)

SO FAR: 10

Level 8
(X) had a tea party (Sadly yes, I had to go to one *shutters* I was TORTURED! o.=.o *fear*)
(X) flown a kite (Wee more flying stuff! xD *Steals Eirra's pink dragon kite*)
(X) built a sand castle (Sand DRAGON... and castle yes, but dragons are cooler!)
(X) gone puddle jumping (*Gets wet* -.=.-)
(X) played dress up (When I was little... and for Halloween)

SO FAR: 15

Level 9
(X) jumped into a pile of leaves (dun dun dun! *Jumps into leaves* WHOOSH! :giggle:)
(X) gone sledding (Wow it's been a LONG time though)
(X) cheated while playing a game (noIdidn't... *shifty eyes*)
(X) been lonely (aww... hug me please?)
(X) fallen asleep at work/school (zzzz...)

SO FAR: 20

Level 10
() used a fake ID (No... don't got one)
(X) watched the sun set (*sigh* ahhh... how beautiful...)
() felt an earthquake (That would be scary o:)
(X) touched a snake (Eirra's snake Andromeda! *pet pet* murrrr... *hands to Sanyai* :P Here ya go! :rofl:)

SO FAR: 22

Level 11
(X) been tickled (omg my dad does it too well)
(X) been robbed/vandalized ($50 stolen out of my wallet last year T.=.T. I've had a $130 calculator stolen too and I had to buy a new one with my own money. Ahh!)
(X) robbed someone (I guess I'll have to admit then...)
(X) been misunderstood (yes of course!)
() pet a reindeer (a.. reindeer?! o.=.O)

SO FAR: 26

Level 12
(X) won a contest (Art contest of course!)
() been suspended from school (Nope, I'd never do something that horrible)
(X) had detention (Once in my entire life... it was only because I showed up late for school for a week)
() been in a car/motorcycle accident (<.=.< I don't want to either)

SO FAR: 28

Level 13
(X) had/have braces (Not any more! *shows pretty teeth*) Shing
() eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night (ughh.. too much ice cream... *spaz*)
(X) had deja vu (Who hasn't??)
(X) danced in the moonlight (Yeps! Weee, join me! *Dances around idiotically*)

SO FAR: 31

Level 14
(X) hated the way you look (Ah, sometimes... like in pictures. But overall I like the way I look)
() witnessed a crime (Not that I can recall...)
() pole danced (Weee... not)
(X) questioned your heart (*nods* Yes of course*)
() been obsessed with post-it notes (OMG FEAR THE POST-IT-NOTES!!!! :fear:)

SO FAR: 33

Level 15
(X) squished barefoot through the mud (*squish!!!* :giggle:)
(X) been lost (In Black Forest at night *scccaaarrrry....*)
(X) been to the opposite side of the country (Washington DC/Virgina and Tennessee)
(X) swam in the ocean (Cancun and in California... salt water tastes yucky... bleh)
(X) felt like you were dying (There was this one time....)

SO FAR: 38

Level 16
(X) cried yourself to sleep (*sob sob* When really sad things happen...)
(X) played cops and robbers (Weee! On our bikes!)
(X) recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers (Colored pencils! Coloring Chibi Dragons picture)
(X) Sang (um, unless you're mute, who the heck hasn't!?)
() paid for a meal with only coins (Not a whole meal no)

SO FAR: 42

Level 17
(X) done something you told yourself you wouldn't (heh... heh)
(X) made prank phone calls (Once! Though I hardly did and any of the talking)
(X) laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose (Hahahaha *soda goes out nose* It once happened 4 times in one week [and they were ALL around Taro and Keitaro])
(X) caught a snowflake on your tongue (This is quite hard to do actually... <.=.<)
() kissed in the rain (wtf!? How do you kiss the rain!? Oh IN the rain. Nope. It's kinda wet. WET TE-SHIRT PARTY!)

SO FAR: 46

Level 18
(X) written a letter to Santa Claus (I once wrote this two page paragraph explaining why I wanted this dinosaur toy so badly! And I got it! xD)
() been kissed under a mistletoe (Why does mistletoe get to be so special? o.=.O)
(X) watched the sun set with someone you care/cared about (Of course, friends and family)
(X) blown bubbles (Weee *eats bubble* Ahh! Yuck! *washes mouth out with soap* ... wait)
(X) made a bonfire on the beach (Every year at Lake Powell!!!)

SO FAR: 50

Level 19
() crashed a party (Crashing parties... ya no)
() have traveled more than 5 days with a car full of people (ugh... that would suck. I've been on long road trips but not 5 days!)
(X) gone rollerskating/blading (I can skate! I can skate! *Smackes into wall* ow! That happened before actually when we were playing red light green light at Skate City)
() had a wish come true (No... not really)
() humped a monkey (W...T...F!?!?!?)

SO FAR: 51

Level 20
(X) worn pearls (Earings. Not real though...)
() jumped off a bridge (Fun!!!)
() screamed "penis" in class (No, but other people have before)
(X) ate dog food (Yummy!)
() told a complete stranger you loved them (ok why?)

SO FAR: 53

Level 21
(X) sang in the shower (La la la)
(X) have/had a little black dress (Little not really. Long and black. Yes)
() had sex in a bathtub (Uh...)
() had sex in a park (...Ok...)
() had sex in a car (...No)
() had sex in your parents room. (Again... why the heck!?)

SO FAR: 55

Level 22
() got your tongue stuck to a pole/freezer (I've gotten it stuck to popcicles though :aww:)
() kissed a fish (Mmm.. tastes.. fishy)
(X) worn the opposite sexes clothes (Of course!)
(X) Sat on a roof top (It's fun, but uncomfortable and cold)

SO FAR: 57

Level 23
() had sex at a church (Ok, seriously WHY THE HECK!?)
(X) screamed at the top of your lungs (Outside but YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!)
() done a one-handed cartwheel (I tried ounce ^^;)
() talked on the phone for more than 6 hours (I've been on long but not quite 6 hours! Wow, that's talent)
(X) stayed up all night (Yes... it was really hard, then I went to sleep during the daytime :D)

SO FAR: 59

Level 24
(X) didn't take a shower for a week (...guilty)
() pick and ate an apple right off the tree (Nooos. I have no apple trees, but I have eaten rasberries off the bush)
(X) climbed a tree (I love climbing that one tree at the park near Kama's old restaurant. I tried to get her to come up with me but she couldn't do it. She'd never climbed a tree before. lol)
(X) had/been in a tree house (High Trails' 3 story tree house!)
() scared to watch scary movies (No way!!! I love scary movies)

SO FAR: 62

Level 25
() believed/believe in ghosts (I'm not quite sure)
() have more than 30 pairs of shoes (I bet my mom does though!)
() gone streaking (Streaking?!)
() been in jail (*shutters* That'd be bad)

SO FAR: 62

Level 26
() played chicken (Naw... could be fun though)
() been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on (>.=.<)
() been told you're hot by a complete stranger (Maybe not to my face lol)
(X) broken a bone (I broke my ankle in three places while skateboarding. It's not really been the same since)
(X) been easily amused (All the time!!!!)

SO FAR: 64

Level 27
(X) caught a fish then ate it (Muahahah fishies!)
() made a porn video (*twitch*)
(X) caught a butterfly (Yep and we kept it in a jar with holes and were completely fascinated by it. It was really huge! Then we forgot about it and released it days later. Go us)
(X) laughed so hard you cried (Hahahahaha!!!!! *sob*)
() cried so hard you laughed (I think that takes talent <.=.<)

SO FAR: 67

Level 28
() mooned/flashed someone (No way!)
(X) had someone moon/flash you (My sister did... she likes to moon people underwater. And then she flashed me... ok I pulled her top off but that's another story xD)
(X) cheated on a test (Yes, I was caught! O.=.O)
(X) forgotten someone's name (Yes, I'm pretty forgetful)
() slept naked (No.. but I want to try that sometime.. heheh)
() French braided someones hair (I don't know how to French braid, but someone's done it to me when I had really long hair)
() gone skinny dippin in a pool/lake (Not yet :giggle:)
() been kicked out of your house (Nope and never will)

SO FAR: 70

Level 30
(X) went scuba-diving/snorkeling (I want to take scuba diving lessons sometime... but I went snorkeling at Cancun)
() had a cavity (Never! Can you believe that!?)
() black-mailed someone (No I'm not that mean)
() been black mailed (No, though I'm sure there are those that have black mail material... like Ani and that video of us... nevermind you didn't hear that <.=.<)

SO FAR: 72

Level 31
() Been used (Used.. as in how? I don't think so)
(X) fell going up the stairs (lalala.. *trip, fall, tumble, smash, ow* O.=.o)
() licked a cat (I'm allergic so no way.. but I have licked my dog, heheheh...)
(X) bitten someone (Rawr!!! *Chomp* Oh and Kaito and I gnaw on each other's arms for fun. ^.=.^)

SO FAR: 74

I've Done 74 Out Of 150 Things... not that many I guess but anyways YEYZ! :P

[X]I'm silent as the night (Muahaha!)
[X]I love black (Omg black is teh roxors!)
[X]Hiding my face is fun (Masks are, sure.)
[X]HIE-YAHH! (*Kick'd* I was in Taekwondo... and I spelled it right yey)
[]I like the sound of metal clinking smoothly (um... ok.)
[]Tight fitting pants <3 (wtf no)
[]I speak a far away language (if only)
[X]Fighting is an ART! (Yes! It is! But real fighting with life and death is not)
[X] I bow to my superiors (Yes actually, depending who it is)
[X] I like to creep around (*Stalk Stalk*)
[X] Don't make me slice you in half (Rawr!)
[X] I'm trained for fighting (I've had some training yes... but I would like to make it better)
[X] Theivery is not cool, unless it's for the greater good (Justice will prevail!! And stuff.. like that)
[]I'm FLEXABLE (Unfortuantly... >.=.O)
[X]I don't threaten, my eyes speak for me (*Shing, Eyes glow blue*
[]Music? NEVER, silence (Eh.. but music is cool!)
[X]Daytime is so much less fun than nighttime (Yes! Nightime!)
[]I've broken in somewhere before (No... so what!?)
[] Pay me, and I'll help you out. (Depends on what it is)
[]I believe I am superior. (Nah, I know I'm not.)
TOTAL: 12 Muahaha!!!! *cough*

[X] I have commited a crime (Muahaha!)
[] I think killing should be LOUD, and messy! (Um... eh maybe not)
[X] I can be clever when need be (Sure!)
[X] I'm sophisticated sometimes (Yes I suppose)
[X] The night is the best time to feel the wind through your hair (Agreed! It really is!!! Trust me I know)
[X] I like talking "weird" (Phft.. I AM weird)
[X] Treasure... (Does cookies count!?)
[X] Music is a huge part of my life (*dances* Dun dun dun dun... Can't touch this)
[]I've been drunk before (No, I don't need to be drunk to have fun! Trust me, you can't tell the difference anyways whether I'm sober or drunk because I act and laugh like all the drunk people anyways!)
[]I LIKED being drunk (Again... ya, you know)
[X]I like to sing (Yo ho, yo ho! xD)
[X]I like wearing jingly things, and jewelry (Pow! *bling*)
[]Water is my friend (Not especially <.=.<)
[X]I like boats (Yey BOATS! Though I like planes better :D)
[X]I'm pretty good at fighting (Yep yep, see above)
[X]I just want to be free (FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!)
[X]Let's celebrate. (PARTY!!!!!)
[]I follow a code of honour, be it fake or not (I follow my heart)
[X] Ahrrrrrrr! (Grrrr... rawr!!!!)
[X]Threats are fun! (Weeee!)

wow.. that took FOREVER to do!

August 27, 2006

I was tagged by :iconevillizard91: for recognizing me as a great friend. :hug:

The Tag is to compliment 5 of your friends. The Rules?

1. People you know offline/real life don't count.
2. Do not say something like "Their art rox!" At least say something more complex, and go into detail of why.
3. If you are one of the five people complimented, then you are TAGGED! Therefore you must take this quiz as well.
4. You can tag people other than those you mentioned, even deviants you know from offline.

Ok, well I have WAY too many friends and wonderful people that there's no possibly way I can list only five! I'm going to have to list a whole bunch because there are so many of you and I love you all. You may be on here because you have inspired me, are a great friend, have wonderful artwork, or for several other reasons... but I love you all and thank you so much!
In no order, I want to recognize:
And of course all my friends I know offline!

And now I must another very special person to my list...

August 14, 2006

Stolen from :iconkaito50: who stole it from :iconbonvallet: who stole it from :iconeirra:

Muahahaha! I am... um hang out *fills out thing*
ok now I'm ready. Muahahaha! I am 99% HAPPEH! xD
I think I'm a very happy draggie, don't you?

X = Yes
O = No.

[X] You have a boyfriend/girlfriend
[X] You have your own room.
[X] You own a cell phone.
[O] You have an ipod/ mp3 player. (Grrs I want one)
[X] Your parents are still married.
[X] You have more than 2 best friends.
[X] There is a swimming pool in your backyard. (Well, do hot tubs count? I would think so right?)
T 0 T A L: 6/7

[X] You dress how you want to.
[X] You hang out with friends more than once a week. (At school mostly)
[X] There is a computer/ laptop in your room.
[X] You have never been beaten up
[X] You never cry more than twice a month. (Usually not, depends of course)
[X] You are allowed to listen to the music you want to.
[X] Your room is big enough for you.
[X] People don't use you for something you have. (I would hope not lolz)
[x] You have been to a concert.
T 0 T A L: 9/9

[O] You have over 50 friends on myspace. (No but deviantART is my myspace!!!)
[X] You have pictures on myspace.
[O]Your parents let you have a myspace.
[X]You get allowance
[X]You collect something normal. (US 50 State Coins)
[O]You look foward to going to school. (Sometimes)
[X]You don't wish you were someone else.
[O]You play a sport
[O]You do something after school.
T 0 T A L: 4/9

[X]You own a car.
[X] You usually don't fight with your parent(s).
[X] You are happy with your appearance.
[X] You aren't self-consious at all. (Well, not as much as most people I know. I could care less xD)
[X] You have never got a failing grade in your life. (Not an 'F' ever and will never! My parents would kill me)
[X] You have friends
T 0 T A L: 6/6

[O] You know what is going on in the world. (What is this... world? O.=.o)
[X] You care about so many people.
[X] You are happy with your life
[X] Your friends call you back when you call them. (They do, I don't always... But I hardly call people anyways)
[X] You have a screen name.
[X] You own a pet.
[X] You know the words to more than 5 songs. (Um, who doesn't?)
[X] You don't have any enemies (Not that I know of. There are people I dislike but they aren't "enemies")
[X] You are a generally nice person. (:aww:)
T O T A L: 8/9

Now count your numbers and multiply by three.
Then title this "MY LIFE IS % HAPPY"

July 17, 2006

I was tagged by :iconforeverdragon: ahhh!!! oh nuuuu!

1. Look at your right side. What did you see the most?
A wall with my cartoony characture picture. Squee! :D

2. Look at left. So, what did you see this time?
My bed and windowseat.

3. In what mood you are now? Tell me about your feelings.
Um... normal? O.=.o I donno. Not happy or sad. Not quite board or tired.

4. What will you do after making this stupid test?
Um... I didn't make this thing but I'm going to try and oC with Blak later.

5. Describe you in 3 words. Only 3 words.
Artistic, Draconic, and erm... friendly. ya <.=.<

6. About what was your latest dream you remember?
oh! I actually remember my dream from last night! There was this weird person and in his basement there was this cheat for the pokemon games that if you touch it made all your pokemon go to level 100. (Yes, I was playing pokemon before I fell asleep :D ) There was a lot more to it than that... and this wierd butler dude, and I think some people died...

7. What do you think about this test?
Test!? What test!? *freaks out*

8. Latest full cd you've listened
um, a Whitney Houston CD

9. Latest full movie you've watched
Young Frankenstien, we watch it almost every year at Lake Powell for no reason.

10. Latest person, who makes you smile
Ani Ani!!! Weee :D :hug: Be reading her journal. omg it's hillarious! :giggle:

11. Latest person, who makes you cry
I can't remember that last time I cried...

12. Describe your feelings like a color. What color it will be?
White. Nuetral. I alredy told you!

13. Do you remember latest kiss? And who did you kissed?
Um, my dad a few mintues ago to say goodnight...
non family, then it would be Catome

14. Do you love someone? [without family, parents etc.]
Dawww... :heart: I luff lots of people

15. Do you miss people that are so far away from you?
Yes of course!

16. What's your biggest dream?
To become a dragon... oh you mean like what could really happen? Then I want to create a wonderful animation, probably of all my friends :hug:

17. So this is the end. What do you want to say now?
... *tumbleweed rolls by*

18. tag 6 other people
Kama, Ani, Taro, Shyria, Momaru, Kaito.. ya

June 28, 2006

I got tagged by... erm, well no I didn't. I STOLE IT from :iconanimeg: Muahahaha! I stole 2 of them weee!

[] 1) smoked weed or cigs..
[] 2) consumed alcohol..
[x] 3) slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex.. (With my brother Kaito, once. OMG NOT LIKE THAT! >.=.<)
[x] 4) slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex.. (Yeah, with my sister sometimes... NOT LIKE THAT!!!)
[] made out with someone of the opposite sex..
[] 6) made out with someone of the same sex..
[x] 7) had someone in your room of the opposite sex.. (Uh, yeah my friends. NOTHING HAPPENED!)
[] 8) watched porn...
[] 9) bought porn
[] 10) done drugs..

[x] 11) taken pain killers...(Yeah, when I have pain)
[x] 12) taken someone elses prescription medicine..(My sister's allergy meds when i run out. It's the same drug!)
[x] 13) lied to your parents....
[x] 14) lied to a friend... (Unfortuantly yes...)
[] 15) snuck out of the house....
[x] 16) done something illegal....(I shoplifted some pokemon cards from Sears once lolz)
[] 17) cut yourself....
[x] 18) hurt someone....
[x] 19) wished someone to die..
[] 20) seen someone die...

[x] 21) missed curfew....
[] 22) stayed out all night...
[] 23) eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself....
[] 24) been to a therapist..
[] 25) been to rehab..
[] 26) dyed your hair....
[] 27) recieved a ticket..
[] 28) been in a wreck....
[] 29) been to a club..

[] 31) been to a wild party..
[] 32) seen the Mardi Gras....
[] 34) had a summer break in Florida..
[] 35) sniffed anything....
[] 36) wore black nail polish....
[x] 37) wore arm bands.. (weeeee)
[] 38) wore t-shirts with band names...
[x] 39) listened to rap....
[ ] 40) own a 50 cent cd..

[x] 41) dressed gothic...
[] 42) dressed prep....
[] 43) dressed punk....
[] 44) dressed grunge..
[x] 45) stole something...
[] 46) been too drunk to remember anything.
[] 47) blacked out...
[] 48) fainted..
[] 49) had a crush on your neighbor..
[x] 50) had someone sneak into your room.. (my sister and brother)

[x] 51) snuck into someone else's room.. (my sister and brother's rooms)
[] 52) had a crush on someone of the same sex..
[x] 53) been to a concert...
[] 54) dry humped someone..
[x] 55) been called a slut (My sister was mad at me)
[x] 56) called someone a slut... (My sister)
[] 57) installed speakers in your car..
[x] 58)broke a mirror... (my sister and I broke one. oh noes bad luck!)
[x] 59)showered at someone of the opposites sex's house.... (ya... but nothing happened ga!)
[] 60) brushed your teeth with someone elses toothbrush....

[] 61) consider ludacris your favorite rapper..
[x] 62) seen an R rated movie in theaters...(Saw 2 weee!)
[x] 63) cruised the mall..
[] 64) skipped school....
[] 65) had an eating disorder..
[x] 66) had an injury... (broke my ankle in three places skateboarding.. owie)
[] 67) gone to court...
[] 68) walked out of a resteraunt without paying..
[] 69) caught something on fire....
[x] 70) lied about your age...(Ya, to get special Kids deals in restruants and stuff)

[] 71) owned an apartment...
[] 72) cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend..
[] 73) been cheated on...
[] 74) got in trouble with the police...
[x] 75) talked to a stranger....
[] 76) hugged a stranger....
[] 77) kissed a stranger..
[] 78) rode in the car with a stranger..
[] 79) been sexually harrassed...
[x] 80) been verbally harrassed..

[] 81) met face to face with someone you met online....(Not yet! I really want to though!!!)
[x] 82) stayed online for 12 hours straight.... (Of course!)
[] 83) talked on the phone for more than 6 hours straight..
[x] 84) watched tv for 12 hours straight.. (I'm sure I have, but not lately though)
[] 85) been to a fair....
[] 86) been called a bad influence.....
[x] 87) cursed...
[] 88) prank called someone....
[x] 89) laid in the bed with someone of the opposite sex..(My brother, we stay up and play DS games and stuff)
[x] 90) cheated on a test.... (Yes, in 6th grade on a science test and I got caught T.=.T)

[x] 91) cheated on homework...
[] 92) recieved/given a handjob...
[x] 93) been pushed into a pool...
[x] 94) played pool...
[] 95) watched 5 hours of mtv straight...(no, that's my sister)
[] 96) had a crush on someone 10 years older than you..
[] 97) had a crush on someone younger than you..
[] 98) wear eyeliner....
[] 99) skinny dipped..
[] 100) laughed at someone who was seriously hurt...

>>>>>TOTAL: 36<<<<<

10-20= goodie good
21-30= a little rebelious
31-40= getting hot baby
41-50= rebel
51-60= total bad girl/boy
61-70= bitch
71-80= cant believe you made it this far
81-90= bad ass
91-100= see you in hell

31-40 Weee Imma getting hott baybee!!! XD


[] Do you have a couch in your front yard or porch?
[] Do you drive a four-wheeler? (I have a few times... I don't own one or anything)
[] Do you ride four-wheelers? (Sometimes...)
[] Do you like to get dirty?
[x] Do you like country music?
[] Do you have a broken car in your back yard?
[] Do you own a cowboy hat?
[] Do you have more then 4 different animals at your home?
[] Do you watch Larry the Cable Guy videos?
[] Do you live on more than 1 acres?
Total: 1/10

[] Do you wear black eyeliner?
[x] Is most of your clothing dark?(yuuuush)
[] Do you think about death often? (uh..no)
[] Do you want to die? (uh NO)
[x] Are you a social outcast? (I suppose)
[x] Are you pale? (yes... I guess I don't go outside too much... too lazy XD. but when I do, I BURN!!! Muahahaha!! ..owie)
[x] Do you like Hot Topic? (Yep!)
[x] Do you enjoy Tim burton movies? (Yes, they're ok. I really admire the animation)
[] Are you mean?
Total: 5/9

[x] Can you skateboard? (well... sorta. I can't ollie yet but I do skateboard sometimes)
[x] Do you wear Skateboarding shoes?
[x] Do you do stupid stuff with your friends? (Lolz!)
[] Have you gotten in trouble with the Cops?
[] Do you watch the x-games?
[] Do/did you have any piercings other than your ears?
[] Do you like/wear a mohawk? (*twitch*)
[] Do you wear Band t-shirts?
[] Have you called someone a poser recently?
Total: 3/9

[x] Do you say the word "like"? (Yes unfortuantly... but my sister is soooo much worse)
[] Do you shop at Hollister/Abercrombie&Fitch/AE/Aero? (No. that's my sister)
[] Do the people in Hot Topic scare you? (Erm, sometimes. Ususally no)
[] Do u giggle alot when you're with your friends/girlfriend/boyfriend? (Giggle... not really. Laugh yes :D )
[] Have/do you watch(ed) LAGUNA BEACH? (wtf is that?)
[x] Do you like pop music?
[] Do you want/have a little dog? (No... I'd rather have a lizard, and not a small lizard either)
[x] Do you laugh a lot? (Of course! Muahaha I am the laugh at everything draggie, especially when around my friends. Namely Taro and Keitaro XD)
Total: 3/8

[] Is your hair long?(No! Tis short short short... it used to be long but I can't stand it like that now)
[] Do you own a tye-dye shirt?
[x] Do you want to save the animals? (...idk. I guess)
[] Do you think war is unnecessary? (sometimes)
[] Do you like classic rock?
[] Have you ever participated in a protest?
[] Have you ever been overcome with a desire to hug a tree? (*twitch again*)
[x] Is your idea of fun sitting around one person playing a guitar and singing along? (Weeeeee!!!)
[] Do you see someone playing frisbee and automatically ask to play? (I suck at frisbee lol)
Total: 2/9

[] Do you act ghetto sometimes? (lol, yo what's up my sizzle dog bro? XD)
[] Do you wear do-rags?
[x] Do you like rap? (Some rap is ok)
[] Was Tupac truly the greatest rapper in the world?
[] Do you like afros? (*twitch* omg no)
[] Have you ever said "Fo Sho"? (lol)
[x] Do you like to dance? (weeeee again!)
[] Do You own 40 cd's...? (Me personally no. My dad, hell ya. More like 500)
[] Are you colored? (...a bit racist)
total: 2/9

[] Do you cry often?
[x] Do you wear hoodies? (OMG HOODIES WEEE!!! :hug:)
[] Do you like soft music?
[x] Do people not understand you? (Yes they don't. I'm too weird for them. And of course the whole otherkin thing... <.=.<)
[] Do you write your own poems? (Well, not recently. Only for school)
[] Do you dye your hair red, black, or any dark color? (No, never dye. I just highlight)
[] Do you cut your own hair?
[] Do you sometimes feel very lonely? (Well... when I feel lonely I go on my compy. And when I'm not lonely I go on my compy. And when I'm bored I go on my compy. And.. well you get the point)
[] Is "Ohio is for lovers" by Hawthorne Heights a good song? (idk, I might have heard it once)
Total: 4/9

[] Do you surf?
[] Do you wear flip flops all year around? (Ugh, I hate them. I sister does though)
[] Is your hair shaggy/layered?
[] Do you wake up before 6 every morning? (*twitch* no way, I'm a very lazy person)
[x] Do you own any pairs of shorts? (um ya. I do now. I didn't a few days ago lol)
[] Do you think the ocean is radical? (radical...? okkkk, who uses that word? Oh right, surfer people... ya)
[x] Do you want to be at the beach right now? (um... not this second no. but sometimes oh yes)
[x] Do you hate tourists? (evvvilll.... oh wait. I'm one too heh ^^;)
Total: 3/9


[] Do you wear glasses?
[] Do you get good grades? (Um, what quailifies as 'good'?)
[] Do you use an inhaler?
[] Do you stick pens and calculators into your shirt pockets? (lol!)
[] Does your mom pick out your clothes? (omg I would diiiie!)
[x] Are you on the computer often? (Hell yes! OMG without it I would diiiie)
[x] Do you ever get picked on? (Sadly yes.)
[x] Do you look forward to going to school? (To see my friends yes)
[] Are you shy around the opposite sex?
[x] Do you play video games? (Weeeeee!)
Total: 4/10

So... Imma Goth Emo Geek!? O.=.o wtf? lolz

April 23, 2006

I got tagged by: :iconkamakazi-chan: :icondratha: and :iconsarlamthros: Gah!!!! O.=.<

Rules: The 1st player of this "game" starts with the topic "6 weird habits/things about yourself" and people who get tagged need to write a journal about their 6 weird habits/things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "you are tagged" in their devpage comments and tell them to read yours....

6 Weird things about me: ( Omg... runnnn!!!! )

1. I am a dragon. The term would be 'otherkin', which is someone (human) who believes they are another animal
2. I find my self wondering why I do not have a tail and wings... I sometimes can feel them there
3. I love cookies, but I love popcorn even more!!! *goes hyper* Is that considered weird? No? Too bad! >.=.<
4. I don't like anything that girls like and I don't dress like a girl. I dispise make-up and preppy people. Momaru says that he thinks I'm really a guy in disguise... *shutters*
5. I dance and sing to my old cassette tapes of baby songs when I was little. :giggle: I can remember all the words. No I don't USUALLY listen to them.
6. I want to go parachuting and bungee jumping one day so I can feel the sensation of freefalling since I can't fly. Grrr, if only humans had wings... I already LOVE this ride called the xlr8r (accelerator) at Six Flags in Denver which is like a giant 150 ft swing where you lay on your stomach and freefall 50 ft headfirst then you swing back and forth for awhile. It's probably the closest thing to flying there is. Next time I go, I want my friends to take video of me doing it. I do have video if the first time I did it with my brother and sister but I want something more recent :D Well.. gah! The evil memory card became full in the middle of recording the xl8r video! Oh well.. maybe next time

And I tag... um, gosh I think Kama tagged most of my friends. I guess I'll try to tag people that she didn't: Shyria, Eirra, Keitaro, Kaito, Catome, and Momaru. Whoever else that didn't get tagged already, go ahead and do it too. :D

March 7, 2006

Gah, tagged by teh Ani :iconanimeg: once more! (Well sorta indirectly... she got too lazy <.=.< again!) But anyways...

☆10 Firsts...
-First Best Friend: Nicky :D wow... he was my best friend for the longest time. Since we were like 3 or something... idk. We both liked Power Rangers, lol.
-First Imaginary Friend: hmm, I think it was actually my sister's imaginary friend (that was a dog) and she introduced me to it or whatever. I don't know if I ever actully had my own imaginary friend
-First Piercing: I think I was 12. Oh yes, it's on my ears. duh
-First Car: I can't drive yet... (I will next month!!) But I have a car :dance: It's a Maroon, 2002 Saturn. Check all the stats on my deviantion about my car... I'm too lazy to type it all here (and I can't remember anything else about it anyways)
-First School: Preschool. I don't know the name but I remember the teacher's name was "Teacher Sue". Yep

☆9 Lasts...
-Last Time You Smoked: Never have, never will, never want to
-Last Car Ride: Do school buses count? Otherwise, I think it was going to the mall to get a hair cut and highlights on Saturday
-Last Movie You Watched: Well, I'm grounded right now so I haven't watched one in awhile... let me think... it might have been oh! right, it was Freaky Friday.
-Last Phone Call: :iconbonvallet: Tis was Taro *squee*
-Last CD You listened to: Kaito's CD of 100 Greatest Guitar Solos
-Last Bubble Bath You took: Ahh, not it forever! >.=.< Oh how terrible.
-Last Song You listened to: There was this one country song on the bus... idk the title. Somehting about "where the green grass grows"
-Last Fight: Uh... idk. Probably with my sister tho

☆8 Have You Ever...
-Have You Ever Dated a Best Friend: Er well.... :icongarion1: and I are going to go out someday. It's just we haven't set up anything yet
-Have You Ever Been Arrested: Uh no! Do you think I'm that kind of person!?
-Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: *twitch* No.
-Have You Ever Been on TV: Yep! Muahaha. It was Space Day and the news crew came to our school. You get to see my head and I'm jumping up and down because I was trying to get in front of the camera :D I wasn't interviewed though... and I was even wearing my spaceday shirt!
-Have You Ever Kissed Someone and Regretted It: Yes. I do
-Have You Ever Cheated on Your bf/gf: Uh no
-Have You Ever Been on a Blind Date: Nope
-Have You Ever Been out of the Country: Yep! Been to the Bahamas and Cancun, Mexico. Both times was with :iconsongi13:

☆7 Things You are Wearing...
- A brown short sleeve dragon shirt over a long sleeved grey shirt
- Blue jeans
- My dragon cap (backwards of course)
- Plain white socks
- Darn, I just too off all my jewlery... what to put? Oh! I'm wearing my black earing studs
- Underwear
- Bra

☆6 Things You've Done Today...
- Woke up at 6:00 ...grrrr, my sister gets to sleep in because she's not taking CSAPs today (evil state standardized tests of doom! kinda like the ACT)
- Took a shower
- Went to school... took CSAPs
- Came home and ate popcicals, talked to Taro
- Jumped on my friend's trampolene
- Ate pizza and got on DA even tho I'm grounded :D

☆5 Favorite Things (no specific order)...
- Drawing/animating/photoshoping... k art then
- Hugging/glomping people
- Popcorn and cookies
- Computer
- Video games

☆4 People You Most Trust (no specific order)...
- :iconanimeg::iconkaito50::iconbonvallet::iconkamakazi-chan: WOW there are SOOOO many more people to put on here... but I can list only four! I'm sorry if you're not listed. these people popped into my head first so don't think I don't love u or trust u!

☆3 Choices...
-Vanilla or Chocolate: *spaz* BOTH! eee *is greedy* Actually it depends on what it is. I'd actully have to say vanilla if I had to choose just one
-Hugs or Kisses: Huuuugs!!!! EEEEEEEEPPPP :glomp: :hug:
-Pens or Pencils: I use both but teh pencils rule all!! MUHAHAHAh!

☆2 Things You Want to do Before You Die...
- Parachute
- Create 3D models of all my characters (and fully animated into a full-length movie)

☆1 Person You Want to see...
-Oh, if I must choose just one? ONE!? awww... T.=.T Well, I guess I'd have to choose Daza! :iconagrela:

I TAG... um how about KAMA, KAITO, TARO, SHYRIA, CATOME, MOMARU, EIRRA... Oh heck... ANYONE CAN DO IT if they want to. I don't care.

January 25, 2006

Wow, this one has been going around everywhere and now it's my turn!! ^.=.^ yeys.
Meh was tagged by teh Aniness... :iconanimeg: :dance:
k, here it goes

1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4.
"your miserable life!" -Diadem, Worlds of Magic 1. Book of Names

2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can.
k... *stretches out arm* I can almost touch my bed! :D weee

3. What is the last thing you watched on TV?
I watched the Lilo and Stitch episode with Kim Possible in it, Kaito wanted to show it to me ^^;

4. Without looking, guess what time it is:

5. Now look at the clock. What is the actual time?
9:11pm wow, good guess for me

6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
I hear my boombox that's playing "The Bodyguard" soundtrack. Hee, I like Whitney Huston :D

7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
um... I was at my robotics meeting getting into my mom's car to drive home

8. Before you started this survey, what did you look at?
Checkin my messages, lookin at Ani's journal

9. What are you wearing?
Camo-Green color baggy pants, robotics shirt, robotics hoodie, black Vans shoes, necklace from ShyriaDracnoir, necklace from hinugundam8135, my class ring, watch, bracelet, dragon armband, and backwards dragon cap! (Of course <.=.< )

10. Did you dream last night?
Yes... what was it about again?

11. When did you last laugh?
At robotics meeting

12. What is on the walls of the room you are in?
um... ok let's see: wild african babies picture, my caricture picture, a white tiger picture, a clock, a lion picture, a tiger picture, lepoard print bulletin board, and "Moonlight Escape" by Bo Newell picture. Ya, I'm in my room ^^; My closet tho is where I put all my stuff that I like so I'm going to name off that stuff too: Megabloks Dragons poster (teh orgianal sets), D&D Dragon Species poster from RedKlonoa, another dragon poster from tomnimaster, my big cork bulletin board with an Inu-Yasha calendar from Kamakazi-chan, a dragon crossing sign from hinugundam8135, my lazer quest score cards, random note pads, locker whiteboard w/ drawing of a draggie on it, and random taks, animal planet Dragons poster from hinugundam8135 (wow he's given me a bunch of stuff), and what was orginally a benie baby holding thingy now holds a bunch of random crap.

13. Seen anything weird lately?
Lol... I see weird things everyday. Especially when I'm around my friends XD

14. What do you think of this quiz?
Fun, weee! :glomp:

15. What is the last film you saw?
Donnie Darko! Meep!! ^.=.^

16. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?
omg!!! I would go crazy and buy like... mostly electronic things, stuff that I don't have right now. Like a tablet and a new compy! All the new game consoles, visit all my online friends, buy my cousin Eirc a Viper (his dream car), buy custom stuff (like custom made bedspred of Tusami or something...) create my own cartoon TV show... wow too much stuff to list!!!

17. Tell me something about you that I don't know.
humm.... what don't u know about me? *thinks* Well, um. idk, gah! Wow, here's something even I didn't know until like a second ago! Tusami is imasut backwards! Weeee

18. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?
I wish that the world wasn't so horrible. Humans are terrible creatures that plague the earth! I'm not saying get rid of them, I'm saying that they should treat the planet and others better.

19. Do you like to dance?
Yep! But I'm not very good at it, so i usually dance around in front of the mirror in my room when I'm alone and lip sync to the music that's playing

20. George Bush:
I don't really care about politics that much... Bush is fine, I'm ok w/ him

21. Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?
hum... idk. Haven't really thought about it. Probably an uncommon name

22. Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?
again... idk

23. Would you ever consider living abroad?
What is this.. abroad? O.=.o

24. What do you want God to say to you when you reach the pearly gates?
Well, if there is a God and assuming I go to heaven... I guess I really wouldn't care what he says... but since I can choose for him to say anything, I would want him to tell me that the rest of my life (which I guess is now forever) I will be a dragon, as my true form should be. :D

25. 4 people who must also do this meme in THEIR journal:
x) :iconhinugundam8135:
x) :iconbonvallet:
x) :iconshyriadracnoir:
x) :iconeirra:
mauaha! :evillaugh:

And here's an extra thing Ani is askin meh...

1. Who are you? I'm MEEEE!!! Teh Tusaminess ^.=.^
2. Are we friends? uh duh! OF COURSE!
3. When and how did we meet? It was during graphic design class sometime maybe in october?
4. Do you have a crush on me? uh...noooo I would hope not
5. Would you kiss me? ...O.=.O! now that would be just wrong...
6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. uh, ur Nickname is Ani. It just suits u. :D But my nickname for u would have to be Ani teh Auron lover freak of DOOOOOM!!!! XD mauahaha :evillaugh: That suits u even more!
7. Describe me in two words. Word #1- zomgyouaresofunandcreativeandawesomeandkewlandIlovebeingyourfriend. Word #2- weeeee
... ya idk. I'm kinda out of it *goes crazy*
8. What was your first impression? At first when I saw you drawing all by yourself (:aww: aww poor ani *pat pat*) and I went over to you and told you that your drawing was very good. U were all like "huh?" I told u again and u were like "what?" lolz, I thought u were weird and didn't understand me or something... of course now I know it was just that I wasn't talking loud enough. hehe ^.=.^
9. Do you still think that way about me now? Gah no! well... ok yes you're weird XD
10. What reminds you of me? lolz, lots of things. Probably Auron reminds me most of you thou :)
11. If you could give me anything, what would it be? Teh real Auron! Eee :glomp:
12. How well do you know me? I'd say very well... I see u almost everyday!
13. When’s the last time you saw me? During lunch today
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn’t? um... I don't think so, no.
15. Are you going to put this in your journal and see what I say about you? Of course!!!! ^.=.^ :dance: :w00t: :glomp: :lick: :hug: :D :boogie: :aww:

ya, wow. I wonder if anyone besides Ani took the time to read all that...

November 24, 2005

Ok so now it's my turn! I got tagged by :iconamrini: w007! <.=.<
Now here's 20 things about myself-

1. My name is actually Michelle (Shelly is meh nickname) but all my friends call me Tusami
2. I am female but my short hair makes everyone think I'm a guy. :giggle:
3. My room is african savanna theme (ya know w/ zebras and lions and stuff)
4. No, I don't really like zebras and lions that much. Mom wouldn't let me change it to dragons... so I have to put my draggies in my closet. T.=.T
5. I can't stand wearing my hat forward, tis MUST be backward
6. I like building with legos! Bionicle especially *has collected all teh Rahkshi* meh love teh Rahkshi... even if they are evil. Toa are stupid ><
7. I have a home theater <3
8. When I'm alone in my room, or sometimes with my friends, I very much act like a dragon
9. As a human I wish that I had draggie wings and a tail
10. I'm obbessed with dragons ^.=.^!!! (No really, I couldn't tell...)
11. My favorite TV show is either Invader Zim or CSI
12. Everyone thinks me and my friends are weird... ok, maybe we are
13. I have an evil, ugly, cute, puffitated, noisy, poopy, sometimes cuddily, bird of DOOM named Solo.
14. IDK what to put here... am running out of ideas
15. My mom does Day-care in the basement so I have to put up with nasty, drooling, anyoing, Barney watching babies almost every day! >.=.<*
16. My favortie sport is Lazer Tag! Ok, if you want a REAL sport, then I love football (american football, not soccer. I hate soccer and I suck at it)
17. I have lived in Colorado my whole life
18. I really want a savanna monitor lizard but my mom hates reptiles so I'm going to get one when I move out
19. I extremely lazy but when I really work on something, I usually overachieve and become a perfectionist ...which is both a good thing and a bad thing
20. OMG numbah twenty!!!11!1 ...I actually like popcorn WAY better than cookies! O.=.O

Yep, I think that's that then.

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